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Latest EverGreen News
13 Dec
All School Spelling Bee
EverGreen Academy will hold its annual all school Spelling Bee located at the elementary gym on Thursday, January 12 at 6:00 pm. Everyone is invited to see our awesome students compete in local level of the Scripts Spelling Bee. The winner will advance to the regional level.15 Nov
Christmas Concerts at EverGreen Academy
Save the date for our annual Christmas Concerts. They are to be held at Grace Church (3626 Hwy. 31 Racine) on Monday, Dec. 12 at 6:30 for elementary school and Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 6:30 for the middle school.15 Nov
Parent Teacher Conferences
EverGreen Academy will be holding their Fall Trimester 1 Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday, Nov. 21 from 12:30p.m.-7:30 p.m. and Tuesday, Nov. 22 from 7:30a.m.-2:30p.m. at both the elementary and middle school buildings. See your child's teacher for your scheduled appointment for your student or if you need to reschedule ...30 Oct
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences are now being scheduled on, Monday, Nov. 21 from 12:40-7:00 p.m. and Tuesday, Nov. 22 from 7:40 a.m.-2:00 p.m. with your student's teacher at both the elementary and middle school buildings. Don't forget to sign up. See you there!13 Oct
Lock-In at the Middle School
Middle School's lock-in is scheduled for Friday night Nov. 4 beginning at 7:00 p.m. and ending at 8:00 a.m. Students have the option of staying all night or getting picked up at 10:00. Middle School Lock-In Drop Off: November 4 th @ 7pm Pickup: Saturday, November 5 rd @ 8am ...14 Sep
Camp Timber-Lee 2023
SAVE THE DATE EverGreen Academy students in grades 4-8 will have the opportunity to attend Camp Timber-Lee in East Troy, WI from April 26-28. Fundraising has begun to help defer the cost of going to camp. Information was sent home with your student as well as those interested in helping ...09 Sep
Time to get into the Spirit!
Next week we'll be getting our "SPIRIT" on! So hop on the bandwagon and join us for some fun! Tuesday, Sept. 13 is our Choose Joy, Respect, Security day and everyone is invited to wear any school spirit clothing to celebrate the day EverGreen officially became a school-May 13, 2013. ...27 May
Elementary Virtual Art Show
Please enjoy 3rd-5th grade art projects! Click a link: Virtual Art Show - 3rd grade Virtual Art Show - 4th grade Virtual Art Show - 5th grade23 Apr
Touch A Truck Event
Come see construction, emergency vehicles, fancy cars, and semis for free. Concessions are available as well as an art project for the kids. Bring your aluminum cans to recycle. Fun fun fun!!! Click here for the flyer.19 Apr