State Report Card

Dear EverGreen Families,

I have some great news to share! EverGreen has improved its report card score! This year it climbed 2 points from 57.5 to 59.5 and earned us 3 stars (Meets Expectations).

Some highlights to share with you:

· Our ELA (English Language Arts) score went up from 48.1 to 49.4

· Math jumped up from 37.7 to 39.4

· We had a 93% attendance rate for the year!

First and foremost, I want to recognize the excellent work of our EverGreen educators, staff, and students for all their work and dedication to becoming the best they can be.

With all that being said, we know that this report card is not an accurate depiction of who we are as a school and who our students are as a whole. This is just a snapshot, and we know, here at EverGreen, that there is so much more to your children than their "scores" in math and ELA. For this reason, we are asking all our 3rd-8th graders to opt out of the upcoming Forward Exam which takes place in the spring. Not taking this exam will allow more time for our teachers to continue educating throughout the year, rather than stopping the flow to take the exam. With us already taking the MAP assessment, not taking the Forward will decrease test fatigue. We need less assessments and testing, and more educating and learning.

We encourage you to attend our Open Board Meeting on Monday, December 2nd at 6:30pm in the elementary music room where we will go into more details on why we feel the Forward Exam and the state report card is NOT an accurate depiction of who EverGreen truly is.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns by replying to this email or call me at 262-631-3656.


Michael Meier
Directing Principal


2023-2024 Report Card

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