Ms. Lisa Miller

Elementary Instructional Support Staff

Lisa Miller ISS

Greetings EverGreen Academy Students and Families! My name is Ms. Lisa Miller, and I am very pleased to have the opportunity to provide support to the students and staff of EverGreen as a Teaching Assistant for the 4th and 5th grade levels. As an advocate for lifelong learning my own educational endeavors include a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History from the University of Illinois at Chicago, with a minor in French.

My eclectic and varied work history has provided me with the opportunity to recognize the types of roles and responsibilities for which I have a natural inclination, aptitude, and interest, which includes teaching and education. I have previously worked as a Pre-K-12 substitute teacher, taught an undergraduate Art History 110 course, and have also instructed individuals of all ages in Hatha Yoga. Other fulfilling and memorable undertakings include a multifaceted position in a stock photography agency, as well as an internship with Curatorial Assistance in Pasadena, California, assisting in the reconstruction of the photographic collection of 20th c. British photographer, E.O. Hoppé. My work in the digital print production field consisted of carefully collating and managing the production of course reader materials for undergraduate and graduate classes at Northwestern University, as well as the printing, hardcover binding, and foil stamping of dissertations. I have also served as a volunteer in the Field Museum’s Collection Care Club, helping transcribe data and repackage plant specimens for their WeDigBio project.

With a lifelong passion for roller skating, I was a founding member of the Windy City Rollers female flat track roller derby league, holding the position of jammer for the Belles team, as well as for their All Stars traveling team. Upon retirement from derby, I pursued speed skating with the Fleetwood Speed Skating team in Summit, Illinois. Other interests include reading, cooking, bike riding, music, music history, and playing bass guitar.

Doing work that makes a worthy and vital societal contribution is a life goal, and I hope to make a positive impact that is aligned with the values, goals and mission of EverGreen Academy.